School Information

At Warrane Primary School we pride ourselves on being an inclusive, vibrant community of learners from Birth – Grade 6. We have developed an educational environment which nurtures the academic, social and emotional potential of all students.

Our staff work as a Professional Learning Community and together they create quality, engaging and developmentally appropriate learning sequences for all students which are based on the Australian Curriculum. We encourage and support our students to be independent learners and to develop into creative, co-operative thinkers. We employ a literacy coach who provides support and extension for all students and professional learning and modelling of good practice for staff.

We offer extension programmes, STEM Education, Library and Specialist Art and PE lessons as well as Sustainability, Gardening and Cooking Programs.

School times are 8.55am - 2.45pm

Students can arrive at school from 8:30am when a teacher will be on duty on the front oval for supervision.

8:30am                   Classrooms open

8:55am                   School starts

10:40 - 11:05am    1st Break

1:00 - 1:40pm        2nd Break

2:45pm                  School finishes 


Please call the office to let us know if your child is going to be absent from school. Absences can also be submitted via our school SZ app or the new text message system. Office staff will contact you for any unexplained absences. If students are away for 5, 10 or 15 days unexplained, a letter will come from the Department of Education seeking explanation for absences. A medical certificate is required for sickness of more than 3 days.


We are an allergy aware school as we have students in our community who have allergies to peanuts, nuts and eggs. Please do not send nuts/nut products in your child's lunchbox.

Anti-Bullying Philosophy

At Warrane PS we take any report of bullying very seriously and act on it immediately. It is essential that students report any incidence of bullying to a member of staff immediately so that we are able to support the young person involved.

It is important however to recognise that bullying is not a one off event….it is targeted, ongoing, and often motivated by a need for a student to feel power over another. Both the victim and perpetrator of the bullying need support.


Keep up to date with all current school information on the following apps:

  • Seesaw
  • Schoolzine (newsletter and annual parent teacher interview bookings)
  • Facebook


Please contact the Metro for information about routes and times.

Breakfast Club

This operates from our school hall Monday to Friday from 8:15am till 8:45am by staff at Warrane Primary School.


In line with our respectful school volunteer and visitor Behaviour Policy, all communication which takes place on the school grounds must be respectful. If this is not the case, then the school can refuse entry to the grounds for a period of time. Your first contact point is the classroom teacher. Please make an appointment to see the teacher at a convenient time so that they can give your problem the full attention it deserves. It can be difficult if you approach them at busy times like the start of the day. Appointments with Senior Staff can then also be organised if deemed necessary.

Extended Learning Programmes

These are available for ECE and Primary students. Some options for study are Creative Writing, IT, online learning or student led enquiries supported and guided by senior staff.

General Safety Rules

  • No scooters or bikes are to be ridden in the school grounds 
  • Bikes and scooters are to be stored in the bike racks outside Admin
  • Helmets must be worn if riding scooters or bikes to and from school
  • Dogs are not permitted on school grounds.

House Captains

We also elect House Captains and Vice House Captains to assist with sport carnivals. Our House Names are:

  • Meehan
  • Waverley 
  • Wellington


Students are expected to follow the “ICT Resources Acceptable use Agreement” in order to use all equipment. A policy to be signed by students and families is sent out at the start of each year.

IT Equipment

Each classroom has an interactive whiteboard and has access to class sets of ipads and laptops to support student learning. 

Late Arrival/Early Departure

Students are required to be signed in or out in the Late arrivals/Early departure sign in computer. The printed slip must be taken to the class teacher to confirm that all attendance has been recorded. Parents are required to complete a sign out slip and take to the class teacher if collecting a child early from school.

Launching into Learning

Regular sessions operate for families and children from birth to 4 years old. Please call into the office for a “Launching into Learning” leaflet for more details. 


Our library is a beautiful learning space and is well stocked with both fiction and non-fiction texts. New texts are purchased on a regular basis.

Mobile Phones

Students are required to bring their mobile phones to the school office to be kept safe until the end of the day. A policy to be signed by students and families is sent out at the beginning of each year.

Move Well Eat Well

As a Move Well Eat Well member we encourage:

  • Drinking water only during learning time
  • Limiting ‘treat’ foods in lunchboxes
  • Including fruit and veg in lunchboxes everyday
  • Supporting students to be active during the school day
  • Limiting screen time


Newsletters are published fortnightly via Schoolzine. Please ensure that we have your current email address so that the newsletter can be emailed to you. You can also access the newsletter via the Schoolzine App.


Please use our carpark respectfully and safely, making sure you are not blocking access for others or driving too quickly. Young children are very difficult to see and may dart out without warning, so be aware. Kiss and Drop flags are displayed indicating spots for you to pull over, kiss your child goodbye and then drive off.  Under no circumstances is the staff car park to be used for student drop off or pick up.

Positive Behaviour Support

School Wide Positive Behaviour Support underpins the way we interact with each other, our students and the community.

We use a range of strategies to support students to demonstrate positive behaviours. These vary and we do not have a ‘one size fits all’ approach as every child comes with their own story and experiences which can change daily. We take the time to really know our students, our families and community as this informs our responses. The ‘certainty, not severity’ of follow up is central to our philosophy. Students are given time to reflect on their own behaviour.

Our strategies include, but are not limited to:

  • Giving rule reminders
  • Use calming strategies
  • Giving praise for getting back on track
  • Behaviour ‘contracts’ to reinforce positive behaviour
  • Having high expectations of student behaviour
  • Providing a break for the student, staff member or class
  • Internal or external suspension
  • Restorative conferences with all involved
  • Parents contacted
  • Reflection/chill out time
  • Rewards and reward excursions
  • Building emotional awareness
  • Provision of engaging learning programmes

To further support the wellbeing of our students we offer leadership opportunities for every Grade 6 student and elect two School Captains to represent the school. The school captains are required to write an application which is then considered by all of our staff before the decision is made.

The captains can be easily identified by their School Captain badge.

Professional Support Staff

At Warrane PS we have a Social Worker, School Psychologist, Speech and Language Therapist and Support Teacher available to assist with social, emotional and learning needs. Students require referrals to access support. Forms can be collected from and returned to the School office.


Reports on student learning are sent out in Terms 1, 2 and 4. The major detailed report for the year is the one sent in Term 2. Arrangements for a formal parent teacher meeting are made following the major report. Bookings for these sessions can be booked via the Schoolzine app. However, please make arrangements to meet at any time during the year if you have concerns about any aspect of your child’s development.

School Association

All family members are welcome to attend the meetings and to nominate for positions as they arise. When School Association organise fundraisers, they will call for volunteers to assist - all assistance is greatly appreciated.

Stephanie Alexander Kitchen Garden and MONA 24 Carrot Programs

All children have opportunities to work in and harvest from the gardens and participate in cooking sessions. Students prepare a long table lunch for their class members, helpers and invited guests. Students learn about budgeting, seasonal foods and the benefits of cooking in bulk and freezing leftovers. Students are also exposed to a wide variety of vegetables, herbs and fruit. Recipes are sent home on a regular basis.


Volunteers need a Working with Vulnerable People Card. You are very welcome at our school, and we encourage participation in your child’s learning. Please sign in at the office on arrival and display your Working With Vulnerable People Card.